As I've mentioned elsewhere, I've been experimenting with both blogs and podcasts lately. I've stumbled across a few gems, so I thought I'd share a few..

Daniel McCosker's Monologging is a new discovery - and indeed, it's a new blog - but it's one that I'm enjoying..

Blog Maverick, by Mark Cuban, is fascinating and varied. Mark owns a variety of companies, ranging from a football team (the Mavericks) through to "film" production/distribution companies, and even a theater chain. I say "film" in quotes, as the whole point of his company is that they don't actually produce literal film - they work entirely digitally.

The Scobleizer and Dare Obasanjo's blogs are interesting - they offer a peek into a couple of the smaller components of the giant machine that is Microsoft; it's fascinating how everyone I've ever met who worked enthusiastically for Microsoft seems to see the world in a way just slightly askew from the way everyone else I know sees it.

Personally, I use, as I've mentioned previously, my own personal web-based aggregator running on my own server to read these; if you don't have your own server and the knowhow (or desire) to set this up yourself, many online services will do the same thing for you: MSN Spaces, My Yahoo!, etc... even LiveJournal can do roughly the same thing, provided you're a paid member..

Two of the better podcasts I listen to (and eagerly look forward to every week) come from, not surprisingly, the BBC. Actually, only one episode of one has been released - but believe me, I'm eagerly awaiting more.

They are: In Our Time, a history show, and more recently, this years Reith Lecture series.

Another that I've just started listening to is Voices in Your Head; it's an interview show with some really fascinating people. The guy doing the interviews is, in my opinion, a genius: he says almost nothing, but knows exactly the right cues to give his interviewees so that they happily spend almost the entire interview sharing the most interesting bits about whatever it is they have to say. It's very well done - and I'll be listening to more from this site.

Lastly: I'm very, very excited about the impending release of Tiger. Why? There's one really, really exciting feature...

See, back when I had a nokia 7650, I enjoyed how seamlessly easy it was to sync between my phone and my laptop; contacts, calendars, notes, To-Dos - they all just synchronised without me having to think about it.

When I got my new 7610, I was devestated to discover that Nokia had, as they do, chosen to use a "more advanced" standard, and so my laptop could no longer sync with my phone.

Tiger will once again allow me to sync. Hurrah!

You can have no idea of how fantastic this is until you've experienced it yourself..

And now, to bed.