What a shitty day its been so far. Cold, rainy, blustery. I had an umbrella when I left the house - by the time I got to work, it had snapped in three different places, so I dumped it in the trash.

I went to the doctor this morning to have my cough looked at; along the way, he (and the charming, quite cute, 5th year med student) examined my ankle and my wrist (apparently I was quite a lesson). I ended up having to have blood taken so they can run some tests; this was extremely traumatic - needles! argh! The doctor was quite concerned that I was hyperventilating.

This turned out to be a blessing in disguise though; I mentioned that I was due for STD checks, and so he tacked on all the usual tests to the same sample - so that has, at least, saved me a needle later.

I'm at work now. Wet and unhappy.

Highlight of the day was two women catching up on the bus. Apparently they're old schoolfriends- hadn't seen each other since the mid-80s. "I was married for a while, but now I'm not. Got some cats, they lived to be 19, then they died. So now I'm all alone, back in Surry Hills, and loving it"...