
Contrary to what I said a few days ago, it looks like gmail invites might be getting scarcer after all.

If you're in the US, anyone can now sign up after first providing Google with your mobile number; but those of us in the real world have no such avenue just yet. So I've heard, anyway - from here in Australia, I can't even see the option to register.

However, as a counterpoint to this, my gmail invites (which used to be topped back up to 50 on a nightly basis) don't seem to be being refreshed any more. I've given out two over the last few days to people who have resisted gmail, but now want a login to use gTalk. My invites, 4-5 days later, are still only at 48, not back up to 50.

Has anyone else noticed their invite count not being topped up?

(Incidentally, if you do happen to be in the US and want a login without providing your cellphone to google, let me know - I've still got 48 invites ;)