Okay, okay, I know. Scarcity would have been the right word, but it wouldn't have rhymed with heresy...

When I went away in March, I stocked up on an excess of podcasts before I left. I subscribed to a bunch of new podcasts (including the Dragonpage podcasts, and Keith and the Girl - both of which are among my favorites) and downloaded all the back episodes my podcatcher could find.

Over the last 6 weeks, I've been slowly working my way through the backlog. I've averaged one Wingin It every three days or so, slowed down only slightly by the more recent voicemail shows.. I've had one KatG every couple of days.. I've flirted with things like Nobody Likes Onions and a few other shows that have been dumped...

I'm caught up now. No more KatG on demand! I'm going to have to wait a whole week between Wingin Its, just live everyone else! bah. Bah!