bash scripting: perform the same actions on many variables
I just had to write a script for James which would (a) download a bunch of .tar.gzs from various sourceforge projects, and (b) untar those files, and store the directories for later use.
Here's what I came up with:
#!/bin/bash SRC_XMLRPC="" SRC_ELFIO="" for SRCVAR in ${!SRC_*} do TAROUT=$(curl -s --location ${!SRCVAR} | tar -zxvf -) export DIR_${SRCVAR/SRC_/}=$(echo $TAROUT | cut -f 1 -d \ ) done
New things I learnt:
${!SRC_*} expands to an array containing the names of all variables whose names start with SRC_
${!SRCVAR} expands to the value of the variable whose name is the value of $SRCVAR - ie, one level of indirection.
${SRCVAR/SRC_/} - well, think what :s/$SRCVAR/SRC_// would do in vi (if vi knew how to expand $SRCVAR)...
Bash is the rocks.
One thing that annoys me: that cut. That causes a fork. Forks is bad. The forks for curl and tar - those, I can't avoid, but this fork should be avoidable. I'd like to avoid that fork if I could.
Update: Fork Avoided!
#!/bin/bash -x BASEDIR=`pwd` SRC_XMLRPC="" SRC_ELFIO="" for SRCVAR in ${!SRC_*} do TAROUT=$(curl -s --location ${!SRCVAR} | tar -zxvf -) export DIR_${SRCVAR/SRC_/}=${TAROUT%%/*} done